Our green school slogans 2022 to 2024:
All the senior infants , First and Second classes were asked to come up with a slogan for our theme BIODIVERSITY< for our fifth geen flag.
The response was super! It was very hard to pick winners but we pulled out four of the following to show off our writing talents here at St. Fiachra’s!
“St. Fiachra’s love plants and bugs
It’s our way of giving Nature hugs!” by Fiadh
“A green St. Fiachra’s benefits us all,
With wild flowers,bees and trees stand tall” Caoilfhionn
“Don’t forget every bird, bug or tree,
At St. Fiachra’s Biodiversity is key!” Dylan
“Greenery is a thing of beauty,
St. Fiachra’s kids make this our duty!” Laoise
Didn’t those children do well ? Hopefully we can all learn from their example and do a little bit every day to be planet aware!