Friendship Week

During the week of February 8th we celebrated “Friendship Week”. Every pupil in the school focused on one of their peers and tried to be mindful of and friendly towards that person. Each class created a Friendship Fish. These are displayed in the P.E.Hall. A special prize for the best fish went to room 19.







We had a visiting teacher called Nicola Foxe, who taught, yoga with the First Classes, to promote our sense of wellbeing and togetherness. We also bought friendship bracelets to raise awareness of the work of Amnesty International across the world. We were able to send 426 euro to children who are affected by war and poverty.

Friendship Week concluded with a whole school assembly, where all the children were given a little treat for taking part, and we shared our experiences. Our principal Ms.Mangan asked everyone to continue with all the kindness that we had learned this week, throughout the whole year!

Well done to all the pupils and teachers, who embraced Friendship Week with great enthusiasm.